Create a resizable element with a number of advanced options including callback, dragging, ratio.
handlers | Hash | mandatory | hash with keys for each resize direction (e, es, s, sw, w, nw, n) and value string selection |
minWidth | Integer | optional | the minimum width that element can be resized to |
maxWidth | Integer | optional | the minimum width that element can be resized to |
maxWidth | Integer | optional | the maximum width that element can be resized to |
minHeight | Integer | optional | the minimum height that element can be resized to |
maxHeight | Integer | optional | the maximum height that element can be resized to |
minTop | Integer | optional | the minmum top position to wich element can be moved to |
minLeft | Integer | optional | the minmum left position to wich element can be moved to |
maxRight | Integer | optional | the maximum right position to wich element can be moved to |
maxBottom | Integer | optional | the maximum bottom position to wich element can be moved to |
ratio | Float | optional | the ratio between width and height to constrain elements sizes to that ratio |
dragHandle | Mixed | optional | true to make the element draggable, string selection for drag handle |
onDragStart | Function | optional | A function to be executed whenever the dragging starts |
onDragStop | Function | optional | A function to be executed whenever the dragging stops |
onDrag | Function | optional | A function to be executed whenever the element is dragged |
onStart | Function | optional | A function to be executed whenever the element starts to be resized |
onStop | Function | optional | A function to be executed whenever the element stops to be resized |
onResize | Function | optional | A function to be executed whenever the element is resized |
Code sample:
$('#resizeMe').Resizable( { minWidth: 50, minHeight: 50, maxWidth: 400, maxHeight: 400, minTop: 50, minLeft: 50, maxRight: 700, maxBottom: 500, dragHandle: true, handlers: { se: '#resizeSE', e: '#resizeE', ne: '#resizeNE', n: '#resizeN', nw: '#resizeNW', w: '#resizeW', sw: '#resizeSW', s: '#resizeS' } } )
A Resizable can be destroyed at anytime.
Code sample: