Create an accordion from a HTML structure.
panelHeight | Integer | mandatory | the pannels' height |
headerSelector | String | mandatory | selector for header elements |
panelSelector | String | mandatory | selector for panel elements |
activeClass | String | optional | CSS Class for active header |
hoverClass | String | optional | CSS Class for hovered header |
onShow | Function | optional | callback called whenever an pannel gets active |
onHide | Function | optional | callback called whenever an pannel gets incative |
onClick | Function | optional | callback called just before an panel gets active |
speed | Mixed | optional | animation speed, integer for miliseconds, string ['slow' | 'normal' | 'fast'] |
currentPanel | Integer | optional | the active panel on initialisation |
Code sample:
$(document).ready( function() { $('#myAccordion').Accordion( { headerSelector: 'dt', panelSelector: 'dd', activeClass: 'myAccordionActive', hoverClass: 'myAccordionHover', panelHeight: 200, speed: 300 } ); } );